Dzakwan Diego
Frontend Developer
Hello World.
My name is Dzakwan. Frontend Developer born in Sleman based in Semarang, Indonesia. I build functional, responsive, and accessible websites which will be the face of your company.
About Me
Get to know about Me.
Day Coder,
Haven't too long in the Frontend Development, I begin my journey at the Q4 of 2022 with my Bachelor's final project with Vue.js 2 and Vuetify stack. After that, I'm trying to do more project for My portofolio which you could find in My "Project" section. Now I'm focused with Frontend Development with Vue.js and Nuxt.js, still learning with "learning by doing" method. But if expected, I'm open to learn another stack to fullfil your requirements.
I have done some paid project that bring some challenge to me. From that experience, I have learn a lot about teamwork, effective works, and creativity which I will never stop just only with them.
Spent almost my free time for gaming like MOBA, Racing Sim, Strategies, etc. My motto "Experience from Experiments" means you will never know if you haven't tried yet. It's okay to fail, keep failing until no more fail comes to you.
Just My little work experience.

I'm actively seeking opportunities to collaborate within a team environment, where I can contribute my expertise and continue to learn and grow.

Ready to start a project?
Let's collaborate!