Dzakwan Diego
Frontend Developer
Kapital Printing
Vue, Express, Tailwind
This website is contain some information of Kapital Printing like company profile, product details, contact information, and blog post. This website is built with MEVN (Mongo, Express, Vue, Node) stack.
Kapital Printing is a company operating in the printing and accessories sector located in Sleman, DIY. The problem with this company is that they don't have a presence in digital media so it is still difficult to market their products in digital media.
Design Process
The expected outcome of this project is a web-based application that can be used to be the face of company in digital media. The application should be able to:
  • Manage the products listed in website
  • Manage the post in website's blog
  • Explain the company with the website
System Spesification
This website is built with Express for backend and Vue for frontend. "admin" is the only role for this website, the role has responsibility to create, delete, and edit all item/post that listed in the website. This website consists of a main application, dashboard application and backend application which are built separately, the three applications are connected by an API controlled by the backend. This website also support responsive design for mobile users.
Home Page
Product Page
Tech Stack
  • VueJS
  • Tailwind
  • Vuetify (for Dashboard)
  • Express
  • Mongo DB
For the result, you could check it here.