Dzakwan Diego
Frontend Developer
PT. Mahesa Jenar Semarang
Vue, Tailwind
This website contains database for Semarang citizen that commited to support YS. This website is built with Vue and Tailwind.
Refactoring of the YS's databases from manually entry with Microsoft Excel to online databases that could entried from anywhere. The entry officer was spreaded over Semarang. The data was used for political campaign.
Design Process
The expected outcome of this project is a web-based application that can be used to be databases that could be accessed via online. The application should be able to:
  • Input citizen data
  • Access the data
  • Access the entry officer statistic
  • Export the data
System Spesification
This website was built using Vue and Tailwind for styling, all data is obtained from the API endpoint and then processed to be presented to the user. There is a form to entry the data, had a edit and delete feature for mistaken entry. Filter based on citizen location and search feature to ease viewing the data.
Login Page
Home Page
Detail Page
Statistic Page
Tech Stack
  • VueJS
  • Tailwind