Dzakwan Diego
Frontend Developer
Vue, Vuetify
This website contains company profiles and simple e-commerce for purchasing spare parts by Vislap Laptop. This website is built with Vue and Vuetify.
Vislap is a company selling computer spare parts, they asked for a website that contains a company profile as well as being able to sell online (e commerce).
Design Process
The expected outcome of this project is a web-based application that can be used to be the face of company in digital media and place for customers to buy items via online. The application should be able to:
  • Manage the products listed in website
  • Manage selling reports
  • Manage technical service
  • Manage technical service reports
  • Explain the company with the website
System Spesification
This website was built using Vue and Vuetify for styling, all data is obtained from the API endpoint and then processed to be presented to the user. There is a product filter on the shopping page to make it easier for users to choose items according to type. e-commerce payments use Midway as a payment gateway. There is a dashboard application that admins and technicians use to manage content, view reports, and carry out user-related activities on the website.
Home Page
Product Page
Service Page
Cart Page
Dashboard Page
Tech Stack
  • VueJS
  • Vuetify
For the result, you could check it here.